Author Biography

Returning to the workforce she spent the next 25 years in both the private and public sectors of business. For the first 15 years Trish worked with a major Australian company in various roles progressing from office management to supervision/ audit, office systems, staff recruitment, personnel management as well as training and development. During this time, she completed a Diploma in Human Resource Management through Monash University and studies in Social Psychology, Human Behaviour and Business Management.
Trish then moved into the public sector to further develop and explore the area of training and development. Completing the Certificate IV in Workplace Training, for the next 10 years she taught students in various training and tertiary institutions. During this time she became aware of the importance of delivering a training product that was not only interesting and informative but also resonated with each student, thereby helping them to reach their maximum potential. Trish researched, developed, wrote and delivered several training packages in accordance with the required curriculum but always mindful of the students’ individual and natural aptitude for learning.
Trish now lives on the Sunshine Coast in Queensland. Her studies in human resources and business management, social psychology, human behaviour, neuro-linguistic programming and many of the natural therapies, have created a passion for more information and knowledge of how human beings function at all levels of existence.
Her first book Recreating Your Life has been simmering away for many years. After researching and reading numerous publications written by many astute and knowledgeable authors on the subject of motivation, self-help and personal development, as well as attending many seminars and courses, Trish felt there was still a missing link. The message of instigating positive life changes was loud and clear but the how to was somewhat blurred. Surely there was a way to assist people through the process of positive and empowering change in a gentle and loving way? One that would resonate with every person regardless of their age or circumstance; in a format they could easily work through as they recreated their life and reached their goals of happiness and fulfillment.
Her teacher/trainer knowledge and skills were of immense benefit, although this book is certainly not a training resource! It is a book that both empowers and supports the reader to look at their behaviour and then to make their own decisions as to what they would like to change. The how to of implementing the changes is outlined in a series of strategies, tools and exercises to assist the reader to their ultimate goals. Its publication has been the culmination of much research and testing as well as many long hours and support from family and friends.
Another venture has evolved from writing her Recreating Your Life book. Trish works with groups, organisations and businesses as a motivational facilitator. She is also available for one-on-one sessions for people who may want to explore their recreation on a deeper and more personal level.
After completing Recreating Your Life, Trish found her passion for writing was still strong. While giving some thought to her next book, she felt the need to change genre to one a little less serious. So began her children stories.
Her first children’s book, Queenie the Cat & the Mysterious Stranger was finished in 2012. The idea began some years ago when she first visited her husband’s birthplace in Austria. Having been around felines all her life it was a delight to create Queenie with all her guile and endearing ways. Setting the story in such a beautiful and picturesque place as Austria was also very special. Trish has continued to write stories for children with a series titled Mollie Moyle; the main character is a bubbly and inquisitive little girl who has just started school.
Early in 2015 Trish was drawn into writing the story of her maternal Irish ancestors and so began another serious body of work. Recently published and titled The Irishmen, the story follows the life and times of two very different men born in Ireland in the early 1800’s and reveals the chances they took, the choices they made and the circumstances that changed their lives. This is a family saga spanning over 200 years, the characters are true as are the historical events included in the book.